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S michael houdmann

















































They do not have any biological children, so they instead invest into the lives of their friends.They currently live in Colorado Springs, CO, USA.They enjoy traveling, the outdoors, movies, good music, and great food. Michael Houdmann has been married to his wife, MeLissa, for over 20 years.They both serve in leadership roles at their local church.S.Michael Houdmann loves sports (both participating in and watching), technology, science fiction, off-roading, and hanging out with his German Shepherd. Michael Houdmann is the Founder and CEO of Got Questions Ministries.His passion is to help people understand God?s Word and apply it to their lives.He is also currently a student at Dallas Theological Seminary in the Master of Theology program. S.He is a 1998 graduate of Calvary University with a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and a 2001 graduate of Calvary Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts in Christian Theology.This gives him unique insights into the questions people have, how they ask those questions, and how to answer the questions in a biblically sound and understandable way.






S. Michael Houdmann

Need some help understanding theology? Ask Us.Got Questions Ministries seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually related questions through an internet presence Michael Houdmann Twitter.

Friday Five Interview: S. Michael Houdmann (Gotquestions.org) - Daniel Darling, author, pastor, speaker

org is perhaps the 2nd most heavily?trafficked Christian website in the world.org content easily-accessible in all of these venues.People are definitely?seeking for spiritual answers.The?amount of “hate” we receive can be discouraging at times.We were recently informed by an independent?internet traffic site that GotQuestions.However,?controversial and difficult topics are the ones that most people have?questions about.And, controversial topics are the ones that most need a?solid, biblically-based answer.If?an answer is chosen to be published online as a FAQ, it is reviewed even?more closely, to make sure it says everything it needs to say and is worthy?of publication for the world to see.And believe it or not, this interview continues to be one of the most popular pages on my blog.And while it would be best if people would? Michael.

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Michael Houdmann set up a simple


S. Michael Houdmann.



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